How to Pay Back

What is a student loan?

Loan means jointly the approved Tuition Fees and Non-Tuition Fees, additional costs, bank charges, administration charges and disbursements as advanced to or paid on behalf of the Debtor by the Fund, which amount the Debtor is required to pay back to the Fund.

The Fund is entitled to demand repayment of the loan from the debtor:

What are the methods of repayment?

How do I provide proof of payment?

How do I pay my loan from abroad?

Do students have to pay the money back after completing their studies?

When am I expected to repay my student loan?

What is the process of paying back a loan?

How often do you send Loan statement?

What are the modes of repayment?

How do I pay my loan from abroad?

What happens if I default?

Can you clear in one installment?

Does NSFAF charge ledger fees?

Can I repay my loan in one instalment?

Yes, one can repay the loan in one installment. A Loan Redeemed Certificate will be issued to the debtor.

The Fund is entitled to demand repayment of the loan from the debtor:

How do you determine the monthly deduction rate?

What happens if I do not pay back my loan?

How do I get more information on my repayment options?

What happens when I clear my loan?

What happens if I overpay?

What happens if I die during my repayment process?

What happens if I change employers?

Loans are not recoverable after six years. Is it applicable in your case?

How do you determine the monthly deduction rate?

Does my employer need authority from me to make loan deductions?

My employer stopped deductions from my pay what do I do in this case?

When am I eligible to apply for suspensions of loan repayment?

“NSFAF will continue to be a key contributor to industrialization through enabling access to training and development for Namibian students.”

Hon. Dr. Itah Kandji-Murangi

Minister of Higher Education, Technology, and Innovation

Awarded Students Since 2010 to 2023

Academic Year Vocational Education Undergraduates Postgraduates Scholarships and Special Initiative Total Funded
2023 5,401 14,498 223 12 20,134
2022 4,593 12,320 190 6 17,109
2021 3,721 10,576 307 14,604
2020 3,252 10,733 192 2 14,179
2019 2,823 9,985 311 20 13,139
2018 3,830 6,834 427 124 11,215
2017 3,248 10,888 1,181 15,317
2016 5,030 8,222 712 136 14,100
2015 4,952 6,339 218 86 11,595
2014 4,783 5,544 159 10,486
2013 1,485 8,953 222 10,660
2012 950 6,692 58 7,700
2011 690 5,264 23 5,977
2010 877 5,487 20 6,384
Total 45,635 122,335 4,243 386 172,599