The Namibia Students Financial Assistance Fund hereby announces the availability of student laptops and thus invite all students to apply and acquire laptops at a minimal cost of N$ 3000,00. Interested students have a choice to either pay cash or take a loan with NSFAF.
Due to the limited available laptops, this initiative is based on a first-come, first-served0.
1. Who is eligible for the laptop?
This initiative is for year undergraduate NSFAF beneficiaries and self-funded students, registered at local IHLs, for undergraduate programs/courses from NQF level 6.
Students in the following categories are not eligible:
- Registered for VTC programs;
- Undergraduates registered for Certificate programs;
- Postgraduates;
- SADC/International (both undergraduate and postgraduate);
- NSFAF staff – not needy students; and
- Any student already benefited, i.e. already issued with a Laptop.
2. How do I apply for the laptop?
Please click on this link to Apply for Laptop:
3. Required compulsory documents
- Certified Namibian ID
- Authentic 2022 proof of registration
Where can a student obtain the laptop?
At NSFAF Head Office, Erf 746 Eros Road, Eros, Windhoek. Alternatively, bulk orders from different institutions of higher learning shall be couriered and students will be notified when to collect.
Closing date 07 May 2022