18 August 2021
Namibia Students Financial Assistance Fund (NSFAF) invites applicants whose applications for the 2021 academic year have been rejected to appeal.
Students can only appeal as per the following conditions/guidelines:
- All appeals must conform to NSFAF’s Student Financial Assistance and Debt Recovery Policy. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the said Policy as well as the approved Priority Fields of Study in case you are a postgraduate candidate. These documents are on our website: www.nsfaf.na
- Students rejected based on a combined parental income which is above the N$ 500,000 or own income above N$ 300,000 thresholds can only appeal if they can provide documentary evidence that their parents/themselves are supporting other siblings/children at Institution(s) of Higher Learning. In such a case the appeal letter must contain the full birth certificates / legal adoption letters of other siblings/children being supported as well as their proof of registration. Otherwise, the rejection status will remain applicable.
- NOTE: All appeals must reach us not later than 31st August 2021. All appeals will only be assessed after the due date. Appellants should not expect any communication with NSFAF regarding their appeal before the set date.
- All appeals are to be directed to appeal@nsfaf.na
Appellants meeting conditions stated above should submit their appeals as per the template below.
NSFAF ID | Namibian ID | Name | Surname | Institution | Study Category (Undergraduate or Postgraduate) | Programme | Combined or Own Income | Reason for Rejection | Reason for Appeal |